Monday, August 26, 2013

The Easiest and Best Beatmaking Software Available

Dr. Drum is a beatmaking software that allows you to create professional quality sounding beats without paying the profession quality price

Forget booking studio time, and messing with turntables, sequencers and all the equipment. All you need to create amazing sounding beats are what's offered by Dr. Drum to make mixes which are sick, in terms of sound quality and clarity.

Dr. Drum beatmaking software has a unique sixteen tract sequencer that makes composition easy to put together. Editing your track is now easier than ever. Dr. Drum has a powerful interface that takes you seconds to maneuver through without wasting time working out the technical difficulties.

Dr Drum Beatmaking Software Comes with a 16 Track Sequencer

beatmaking software

The most you have to do when using the sixteen track sequencer is to copy the bars you select with the click of a mouse. You can edit each track’s respective volume in multiple ranges, such as low-tone, mid-tone, and high tone. You can even pan tracks individually, mute selected tracks and even play them solo if you want to refine the sound of a particular beat.

It really is that easy, and the best thing about this beatmaking software is that you can upload your track on YouTube instantly using the beatmaking software’s built in YouTube uploader.
Dr. Drum Beat Making Software

Even you like the idea of YouTube for showcasing your beats to the world, the beatmaking software automatically generates a video that's in rythm with your beat for your YouTube channel. You can format the video by adding your own pictures to customize the vidoe. It's kind of like making a music video for your track with little effort.

Although there is other beatmaking software available to make and mix, their usually complex and you might need time to learn the interface and how to use all the tools. Many other beatmaking programs have limitations compared to the Dr. Drum BeatMaking Software

This is Not Like Other Beatmaking Software

A lot of people end up wasting money on beatmaking software that promises to help you create and build your beats, but instead you're left alone.

That's because most beatmaking software wants your money not your music.

Here's why most companies that sell beatmaking software don't want you producing the sickest beats that you are capable of.

1. They use MP3s for samples and MP3s are always compressed files. They never have a professional quality sound.

Then, when you export them they get compressed again which lowers the quality even more!

This leaves you with a master track that is double compressed and well below industry standard.

 If you ever were to try to get rid of these beats by selling them or even playing them on a local club or radio, they would probably deny you after 10 seconds. The sound would resemble an old cassette tape recording.

2. Most beatmaking software companies don't supply you with enough good samples.

If you only have a few samples to go with, I doubt you will have anything spectacular anytime soon.

3. The sample qualities are usually garbage.

4. Most beatmaking software is way to complicated and confusing.

Most of them are so technical that nobody is ever going to understand it! Lucky for you, Dr Drum is completely intuitive and anyone can learn how to master it in a few hours.

In other words, any other beatmaking software available doesn't compare.

beatmaking software

Don't go for all their hype and excitement, Dr Drum is the truth.You'll will be banging out professional quality beats within hours of downloading this amazing beatmaking software.

Beatmaking Software Basics

Read These Beatmaking Software Basics Before You Start Bangin' Out Platinum Hits

This Beatmaking software is a program that allows you to create music in the same way as professional music producers. You can create beats online that allow you to have a professional sounds just like the big names in the business. As technology has improved, there is a larger selection of beatmaking software that is available on the market today. Luckily, the prices have gone down drastically. 

Not all of these programs are the same though, some are better than others so if you want to create the hottest beats possible you’ll need to make sure your beatmaking software has some pretty amazing features and produces a quality sound. 

Once you have selected your Beatmaking Software, Here's some tips to get you started.

If you want to get the most out of your beatmaking software, I would suggest learning the different parts that go into the beatmaking process. If you are already an experienced beatmaker or producer you may still learn something, if you are a novice then these 3 tips will help you know what you need in order to be a successful beatmaker. 

You should be familiar with layering, sampling, and equipment before you start using your beatmaking software. 

1. There are many techniques involved in the beatmaking process but important is the ability to layering sounds and sound bits. If you know how to take different pieces of music and samples, then combine them for different effects and rhythms within the structure of a beat, it will bring you that much closer to making a beat of professional quality.

2. Another important part to making professional sounding beats is the brand or model of microphone you use. The better the quality of the microphones and recording equipment you are using, the better it will block out background noise and echos you may not normally hear. Silent interferences and frequencies are picked up while recording a beat so make sure you are getting the best beatmaking software for your money.

3. Before you will be able to master the art of creating and making beats that are on the same level of those tremendous hits we here are on the radio, you should get acquainted with mixing and audio looping techniques. There are also differences in the tools you will need to use to loop and mix your recorded sounds. Knowing the best equipment for beatmaking will help you make better beats. 

You should have a little bit better of an understanding of how beats come together in the beatmaking process. Your beatmaking software will make the process much easier for you.

Make sure before investing into any beatmaking software or tools, they have the stuff you need.
A complete guide and training materials should be included to show you all the areas of layering, sampling, mixing, recording, etc.